IFRI-TRYV in partnership with Mercy Corps under the banner program “LEEP SMALL BUSINESS GRANT” is giving out grants to small businesses in Liberia and 50 Liberian women ages 17-29 years old are expected to benefit from this lifetime opportunity. 

As part of the process, over 250 females were seen in their numbers at district#9 office on Saturday, September 4th to collect the application form for the grant. The assessment will be conducted to determine the winner of the grant. The assessment criteria will be based on the nature of the business, the composition of the team, the nature of the business and market potential, and meeting the overall eligibility requirements.
 Liberia is still on the verge of developing and helping young people, but, thanks to the many non-profit organizations in and out of the country that keep supporting the government. IFRI-TRYV remain committed to helping societal Aid and Changing the mindset for prosperity. The Leep Small Business grant is expected to support women start new businesses or improve their current businesses.
