Three Institutions with over 50 Widows in Montserrado County have received several Food and non Food items from the IFRI LLC through its non-profit arm, AFRI- TRYV Organization, as several Liberian were seen in various street corners and on radio talk shows expressing frustration, in what they describe as a worse economic constrains the Country is faced with on the eve of the Country 174 independence Day Celebration.

July 26 is widely celebrated in Liberia as National Independence Day as the country gained its independence in 1846.  

But the Citizens who took to various street corners begging to have food for the holiday Said, their actions are the result of the bad economic State facing the Country and the only means is to come in the streets to have food for the Independence Day Celebration.

When IFRI through the AFRI-TRYV Organization arrived at the Vamoma Junction where several Widows have gathered awaiting assistance from any well-meaning Liberian, NGOs, Government Officials among others, the Institution provided several food and non-food items to over 50 widows at the Vamoma Junction.

The items donated include Rice, Sardines, Oil, Noise Mask, Alcohol among others.

Making the presentation on behalf of the Organization, AFRI- Liberia Marketing Manager Ethelene Konton said the donation is their Organization’s way of identifying with the less fortunate as the Country celebrates its 174th independence.

According to her, the Organization is a non for profit organization that is giving back to society and empowering young women and girls through vocational training and entrepreneurship support.

She, at the same time, encourages Widows to observe all health regulations put in place by the Health Ministry to stop the spread of the virus as they celebrate the July 26 Independence.

The Widows taking delivery of the items express thanks to the organization for coming to their aid as they promised to use the items donated for their intended purpose.

 A Widow believes to be in her early 62 stress call in the organization to continue as humanitarian assistant adding that it hurt to see such an organisation using its own resources to identify with them that should have been National Government responsibility.

In continuation of the distribution, the Organization also identifies with the Mother Victoria Orphanage Home, the Lakpazee Intellectual Forum, and the Uniting Star Vocational School in Old Road Montserrado County with the same donation.

In separate remakes, Heads of benefiting Institutions also thanked the organization for what they turned into a timely donation to their respective organization as they assure that the items donated will be used for their intended purpose.
