IFRI LLC presents the 1st Annual BIPOC Business Expo. Scan the QR Code to learn more or visit ifrillc.com” Please find the official press release below:

***Formal Announcement of the 1st Annual BIPOC Business Expo*** 

[Brooklyn Center, Minnesota]: IFRI LLC announces today the launch of BIPOC BUSINESS EXPO 2022 under the theme “Rebuilding Foundations: The Do’s and Don’ts of doing Business”. The event is happening on Saturday, June 4, 2022 at Earle Brown Heritage Center. The BIPOC Business Expo is uniquely intended to exclusively highlight minority and people of color owned businesses looking closely at these entrepreneurs, their life stories, their motivation, and looking at the balance between managing their families and running their businesses at the same time while planning for sustainability and growth.

 During the event, Top 5 businesses will get to pitch their business ideas live. Winners will receive the Founders Live winners’ package which include almost $10,000 in Amazon Web Services (AWS) credits as well as the opportunity to continue on to compete in a future Founders Live Prime Time global event. It is also very important to note that all presenters earn $5,000 towards AWS.   

Additional activities happening doing the program will be:

  • Conduct a trade fair showcasing over 100 BIPOC businesses displaying their products and services.
  • Conduct skill building workshops with well qualified and experienced panelists under the Theme: Rebuilding Foundations: The Do’s and Don’ts of doing Business. Topics include: Business planning, Legal, Insurance, Access to Capital, Finance and Marketing.

We would like to extend our thanks to Chase Bank and The City of Brooklyn Center, for supporting us as our platinum sponsors and The City of Brooklyn Park as our Silver Sponsor. We will also like to highlight and give thanks to our partners as their contribution is an intricate part of this event. Partners include: Founders Live Minneapolis, Global Minnesota, MEDA, Earle Brown Heritage Center, Brevity, Black Business Enterprises, Twin Cities Film Fest, and Red Vision. 

 About IFRI: IFRI is a “Life Solution” company that provides innovative ways to improve productivity and provide stability for BIPOC Businesses and individuals globally. At IFRI, we seek to create a convenient pathway to better a quality of life for BIPOC and others alike. By “changing the mindset for prosperity”.

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